Schools and Colleges Software Licensing

Educational Software Licensing

Every school, college, university, educational and non-profit organisation knows that they have to get the most value for money possible out of their budget. Volume software licensing options through SAMI makes it possible to achieve this goal.

With the various discounts and licensing options available to education and non-profit establishments – you get the best software at the best prices with SAMI.


About SAMI

Software Asset Management Ireland (SAMI) Ltd. is one of the leading suppliers of software and information technology solutions in Ireland to the education and voluntary sector. SAMI manage the operation of the Software4Students website. SAMI licensing expertise has helped hundreds of schools and charities streamline their ICT programmes while reducing their software costs.

The quality of our products and the standard of service we provide is why more schools and colleges choose us.

Contact Sales to discuss your licensing options with our dedicated sales team today.


Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Is there a minimum order quantity?

No, SAMI does not impose a minimum order quantity on its customers. The only exception to this is a minimum of 5 licences must be ordered under Microsoft EES.

2. Does my organisation qualify for academic/charity pricing or discount?

The qualification requirements for academic or charity pricing differ from one manufacturer to another. Some manufacturers require confirmation that a charity is registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales or equivalent in Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland and have a Charity Commission registration number.

The information regarding eligibility contained on our site is based on our understanding of the manufacturers’ requirements and are for guidance only. The final decision on whether or not a organisation qualifies will rest with the manufacturer.

Please note that the pricing on our Software4Students site is only available to students and teachers for installation on their home PCs.

Please refer to the individual manufacturer sections in the FAQ section on the following pages: Educational institutions eligibility, Charity Software eligibility

3. Why is the quotation I received different from the website pricing?

Most of the vendors we deal with provide their largest discounts for students and we pass those discounts on to our student customers. The software and pricing on our Software4Students site is only available to students and teachers for installation on their home computers. However we also provide software to schools, colleges, charities and universities under the appropriate licensing programs.

4. Why does my MOLP agreement show an end date?

The end date shown is the date up to which you can re-order on the same 2 year agreement. The date relates to the date after which a new agreement must be set up in order to purchase additional licenses or avail of software assurance. The licences you have bought do not expire and will not need to be renewed at any time.

5. Do I have to purchase a media kit (installation disk) to go with my Microsoft Licensing?

Charities purchasing under MOLP – NO, media kits are optional.
Schools, Colleges purchasing under EES – NO, media kits are optional. All products are available for download.
Schools, Colleges purchasing under Select – YES, unless you already have a volume licensing media kit.

6. Do I have to purchase a media kit (installation disk) to go with my Adobe Licensing?

NO, media kits are optional. All products are available for download.

7. I work for an IT Company, can I purchase the Microsoft software on your Stoftware4Students site and sell or make it available to my student customers

No, the Microsoft software on our Software4Students site is not available for resale. We cannot invoice a commercial organisation for these academic licenses.

8. I’m a reseller / IT Support Company working with charities, can I purchase your Microsoft software for resale to charities?

Yes, we can invoice you or your customer for the software. In all cases we will need the end user details in order to process the licences.

9. I’m a reseller / IT Support Company working with schools and colleges, can I purchase your Microsoft software for resale to schools and colleges?

Yes and no. Under Select licensing we must invoice the end users directly. We cannot invoice a commercial organisation for these academic licences. Under EES we can invoice you or your customer for the software. In all cases we will need the end user details in order to process the licences.